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The Panorama Sportsman's Club (PSC) is a non-profit corporation, founded in 1953, with about a hundred current members. Our dues are modest and the benefits are many. The purpose of Panorama Sportsman's Club is to aid in the conservation of wildlife, fish, and natural resources and to promote better understanding between sportsmen and the general public. We have a long-standing relationship with The Big Horn Sheep Society and often assist in desert projects. We are one of five tenant clubs which owns a private, eighty-three acre shooting park located in the mountains east of the San Fernando Valley. A time-sharing schedule apportions range use among the clubs. We offer Trap and Skeet practice at reasonable prices for our members and their guests; there’s an active trap league and we regularly compete in the Valley Round Robin Trap Tournament. Each month there are innovative shooting matches of various kinds and cowboy action shooting matches. Our all-out, major western event, "The Great Northfield Raid," is held every November. In conjunction with the NRA and the Boy Scouts of America, we have developed an active youth program.
PSC holds a number of social events each year. Barbecues, an installation and awards dinner, picnics, occasional camp-outs, and Santa always shows up at our Christmas banquet with gifts for the kids. The entire family is always welcome at all club activities. Our members tend to be easy-going and friendly, of different ages and backgrounds. We are very informal and not impressed by status symbols. Except for safety, we're not big on rules and regulations. We all learn from and teach each other. Many of our members are into reloading, but some would rather watch paint drying. If you don’t know much about the shooting sports, you’ve come to the right place. There are a number of NRA certified instructors among our members and we are expanding our firearms education activities. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us for more information.
Panorama has own trap & skeet fields. Join us for our members trap league and open practice.
Whether mowing down bowling pins or trying not to shoot the hostage, PSC offers a variety of fun shoots on a monthly basis to inspire competition, or to just keep your skills sharp.
Panorama hosts youth events for the NRA and Boy Scouts of America in an effort to promote firearm safety and awareness. PSC also partners with the Jr. Claybreakers to help inspire the next generation of shooters.
Panorama hosts Cowboy Action Shooting matches on the third Sunday of every month, and the Great Northfield Raid annual event in the Fall.
Our range is divided into an upper section, used solely for member activities, and a revenue generating lower range that is available for daily rentals. Rentals require that you carry your own firearm insurance.
Over the years, several television shows and movies have filmed on our location. If you are interested in location services, visit
Interested in renting our lower range for your next activity? Contact the combined range rental coordinator today.
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